
The Art & Science Of APPRECIATION How To Increase The Quality & Rate of Success! By WellnessWiz Jack Tips

Appreciation is a wonderful thing:
It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as
Francois Voltaire
Appreciation: The Expansion of Élan Vital
Don’t we all love the feelings of appreciation! Both when we appreciate something or someone
else, and when someone else appreciates us! Appreciation lifts our spirits, gives wings to our
hearts, and ignites a sparkle in our eyes. It brings out our best. Science says that engaging in appreciation actually makes us healthier and live longer!
Élan Vital – The vital force or impulse of life immanent in all organisms; responsible for survival; adaptability; and constant and never-ending improvement, aka the creative principle, the spirit.
Right now, think about something you appreciate—a friend, family member, business,
organization, an art object, your country, your religion or religious teaching, a charitable
work. Can you feel the upliftment in your heart right there in the center of your chest? Do
you sense a bright acuity somewhere between your ears? Do you notice that you actually feel
lighter when you appreciate something or someone appreciates you? If you’ve truly connected
with something you appreciate you may notice that a slight smile has lifted the corners of your
mouth. In appreciation, people’s bodies actually change to a more self-confident and graceful
This being the case, appreciation is something worthy of our attention and cultivation. Let’s
face it: some of us need more practice. Of course I’m speaking to the man in the mirror. I must
admit that I write discourses such as this to get my own act together, to more fully embrace
the tenets of an ideal life. So pursuant to that, may I please mention how much I appreciate
you. Why? Because you are engaging these thoughts and feelings with me and truly, I
appreciate your kind attention.
Appreciation is the sunshine that awakens the spirit of achievement, improvement, expansion,
and excellence.
Appreciation adds value and instant enhancement to every life experience. Often, early in the
morning, I turn my thoughts to appreciating something – often the people I know I’ll
encounter or something written. It’s a great way to start the day. Not just with an inspirational
thought, but with the appreciation of that thought or person. We can take an inspirational
thought and consciously apply it to ourselves—thus taking like one might acquire figurines or
the mantle—but we can also appreciate the thought and move to share it—thus giving like one
might reach into the wallet to help others.
Cultivation of Appreciation. People who cultivate an attitude of appreciation
automatically, by default, become happier and more fulfilled. They compound their happiness
in joy and the healthy emanations that radiate from the heart with sunrays. Appreciation is an
unlimited state of expansion that automatically brings the dividend of an inner joy that attracts
other people and situations that inherently desire more joy. Like attracts like. Appreciation is
self-enhancing and an expression of “economy in motion” in that a little appreciation often
comes back many fold. To emphasize applications of this point:
➢ In the Financial Sphere, If we genuinely appreciate the attributes of a product, and the
company; then we are likely to share the good news with others and the value of that
product and company increases—intrinsically and often financially. People often appreciate
a salesperson who genuinely admires the product and company they represent as opposed
to someone just trying to make a quick buck. Appreciation is reflective of integrity and
when encountered, the only caveat emptor is if the person has genuine appreciation or a
mocked up appreciation tantamount to a wolf in sheep’s clothing. [This year, wool is the
➢ In the Health Sphere, when you appreciates the wonders of your body’s innate life
processes, e.g. the freedom it provides you, then you are more likely to nourish it with
health-promoting foods and supplements, exercise, and get proper rest. Thus every moment
of life is enhanced. Appreciate the basic truth that the body can heal itself if/when the
cause of symptoms is corrected.
➢ In the Relationship Sphere, appreciation of other people’s strengths and contributions
enhances their self-image and value, elicits more and greater accomplishments, and
increases the depth of the relationship bringing greater joy and satisfaction to both.
➢ In the Spiritual Sphere (pursuits and practices), appreciation is a fundamental act of worship
or respect for the Love Principle that uplifts all life. There really is no room for hatred,
persecution, revenge, discrimination against others in the act of receiving God’s goodwill
and the practice of disseminating it to others.
Spheres refer to “Spheres Of Influence” that occupy human endeavor. From the book, Passion Play, 2000, (Tips)
➢ In the Charity Sphere, appreciation is an act of support—a vitally important outflow of
energy that positively expands a person’s scope of influence. Giving is loving and that’s a
powerful influence expressed by daring to walk life’s oft-treacherous roads with a desire to
make things better by your sojourn.
Whatever we appreciate automatically increases in value—anything! This can be a two-edged
sword—can cut both ways—for good or ill. It’s the mind’s ‘right discrimination’ e.g. loving
choice faculty that must decide what we hold in esteem. Thus each of the Five Spheres of
Influence above requires conscious decisions. Each person must decide their standards and
then make choices. This is the “art of living life.” This hugely impactful concept is not taught
in school, yet influences every moment of every day. At some time in life, a person can do well
to consider each Sphere of Influence and set their heart-felt standards of what is truly worthy
of their time, attention, and participation.
Appreciation is often defined by an act of expression called “gratitude” but it’s really a state of
being—a state you hold in your mind and heart-center. More than an act of judging
something to be worthy, appreciation is an effervescent, pervasive attitude of adding intrinsic
value to something called “your life!” With appreciation you do not wait for something good
or lucky to befall you and then express gratitude. Instead, appreciation is an inner state of
being that actually creates the terrain for success.
Appreciation in its purest sense is an act of love.
Gratitude: An Expression of Spirit
If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you," that would suffice. — Meister Eckhart
Gratitude is similar to appreciation and is often used interchangeably in today’s speech. But
language is not sloppy and does not really have two words that mean exactly the same thing—
there’s always a nuance or two. So for sake of this discourse, I’ll endeavor to differentiate the
nuances of these two words as doing so creates a deeper understanding, aka workable
cosmology, for engaging the power of appreciation in our lives.
Semantics-Schmantics. So let’s start this semantics discussion with definitions so we’ll be able
to thoroughly know and appreciate what appreciation is and thus be able to clutch it to our
hearts and know it for all the benefits it brings. [Now don’t fall asleep here … semantics are
empowering. Case in point: With semantics you can get lucky tonight. So now that I have
your attention…]
Appreciation – The state of being of seeing the good in another person or object. It’s an ability; an art; a connection.
Gratitude – The conscious expression of our feelings of being thankful toward another person,
circumstance or object. It’s an expression of happiness. It facilitates giving thanks. A sharing.
So appreciation is our pure, inner art of seeing with our heart (not yet painted with the right
(or errant) discrimination faculty of the mind). Appreciation is a state of being. It’s being
present in a state of love and good will .
Gratitude is the actual expression of appreciation by word or deed. An action of thankfulness.
Life is about giving wings to thoughts and feelings. Whether we shoot an arrow’s barb into the
air or release a beautiful butterfly is the choice we make, and this discourse is about choosing
appreciation and expressing gratitude that is uplifting to both the receiver and giver.
Because gratitude is a conscious expression and involves the mind, it can be pure or it can be
adulterated with ulterior motives such as a secret desire to receive more favors in the future.
Here we are only discussing pure gratitude—an expression that takes appreciation’s inherent
(potential) energy and releases it into action (kinetic energy).
Use it or lose it.
Gratitude is a muscle that must be exercised.
The more it is circulated, the more appreciation returns to the giver enriching every aspect of
Horror Vacui. As Aristotle said, “Horror Vacui” Nature abhors a vacuum. Sometime we need
to let the air out of our balloon and release appreciation through acts of gratitude so Nature
can refill our balloon with more appreciation. This is called priming the pump of appreciation
and exercising our appreciation muscles.
The Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude often occurs when something is bestowed upon us that we were unable or incapable of doing ourselves. Undeservedly, or unexpectedly, something
good—an act of grace—something fortunate, or lucky happens, and gratitude or thankfulness
is expressed. This form of gratitude is a state of feeling thankful. It reflects someone’s
appreciation, recognition and experience of our inherent beauty and value.
As a further nuance, gratitude can be accompanied by a sense of obligation that pure
appreciation does not convey. With gratitude, most people wait until they receive something
and then express thanks. If they fail to express the expected gratitude, then they are
considered ungrateful little wretches or ingrates. This social protocol and expectation called
“gratitude” is not what we are talking about. Here, we are defining a pure, unencumbered
movement of Élan into gratitude—a simple, spontaneous, heart-felt expression that imparts an
element of esteem and love to another person or group of people (and this includes animals,
cultures, and objects).
Not A Payback, Not Reciprocity, Not Balancing The Scales. Appreciation is an inner feeling and attitude that is not necessarily a paying back or recognition of something good received and undeserved. It is a pro-active, creative state of adding the good will or love element to amoment in life. For those desiring more, it can be cultivated.

Gratitude is the necessary communication of appreciation that takes action and thus, like
lightening seeking its ground, it innately discharges its expression without expectation of
return. From an energy perspective, Nature, which abhors a vacuum, fills the energy equation
by increasing capacity so the giver is able to give again.
[Do you know and trust this to be true?]

Case in Point. This pump-priming principle is often seen in closets and garages. Just clean out
your closet, or make space in your garage, and soon you’ll have more stuff to fill it up again.
Or move from a 2 bedroom home to a 3 bedroom home and it does not take long before that
extra space is filled with furniture or storage.

Thus gratitude is actually a necessary expression of appreciation, and when practiced increases
the life of the giver often in unrecognizable or mysterious ways. If neglected, then there’s a
constipation or retardation in the flow of élan as seen in greedy people, narcissists, and misers.

Celebration: The Manifestation Of The Élan of Spirit

Think about your goals or a more ideal life. How would you feel if your goals and ideals were
attained? This ‘sensualization’ process of your ‘goal attained’ adds oomph to your making it so,
and often hasten results. Would you celebrate? Of course! Sensualization is using all your
senses to imbue your being with the feeling of what you desire—how it sounds, tastes, feels,
looks, smells – the very essence of a pure desire.

Coupled with appreciation is a spirit of celebration–a liberation of joy. You don’t have to wear
a party hat, throw confetti, and blow a tweedler all the time; but in the immediate now, in
your core being, you can carry the joyous spirit of celebration into the process of manifesting
your goals. That way you will have fun with the process of working to achieve your goals.

Celebration does not mean throwing an expensive party before you have the budget. Not that
kind of leap of faith. Here we’re talking about a feeling, the spirit of celebration, and the joy of
such. It’s the excitement of purpose that enthuses your thoughts.

If you choose to have joy and celebration in your work, then work becomes more fun,
enjoyable, and fulfilling. This enviable state is simply a choice you make attitudinally, not
necessarily a set of perfect circumstances you try to create in your external environment. You
can choose to have fun in your work of making your living so you can further enjoy what
money can buy and enjoy the feeling of fulfillment when you share that power to help others.

Celebration is an affirmative action based on the feeling of the goal attained, the destination
reached or milestone passed, the race won, and the victory grasped. It’s the chariot ride
through the ancient streets of Rome to the adoring throngs. The fastest way to manifest your
goal is to hold in your heart and thoughts the knowingness that the goal is attained right now.
So celebrate attitudinally AS IF the goal already were present in your life. The more you
believe that, the more IT IS. The more you posture a person who is financially independent,
the more you create the environment for your own financial independence. The more you
assume the position of dwelling in terrific relationships, the more you attract those exact

So, “Party on, Garth. Party on, Wayne.” The spirit of celebration imbued in your awareness
sets the tone for the complete sensualization of your success-experience.

This is a break in tradition from the dogma of the puritanical work ethic that makes people
“hoe a tough row” and suffer in their labors in order to earn a celebration when the harvest is
done. Instead, live in a perpetual celebration of the total feeling (sensualization) of completion
of your goals. Then, when the goal is attained, you can really have one heckova hoedown!
Maybe even a fandango!
Thus, sage advice is to avoid the trap of postponing celebration for when the goal is reached.
It’s OK to say that, “When I earn a million dollars I’m going to take my family on a trip around
the world,” but even more empowering is to celebrate now that you are going around the
world next spring. Make it so, so it can be. Now you can fully enjoy taking the actions that
build for that experience – even if it’s putting stickers on brochures or creating a website. This
means that you will now be working your job or business in the spirit of celebration of success,
and taking the actions necessary to make it so. You are also reading the travel brochures and
mentally packing your bags!

Joy in your work is the canary in your coalmine.
If it dies, your work is out of sync with your true values.

In 1996 when I started a business venture, I stated emphatically to the new business associates,
“I don’t need or want another job, something added to my work load. This is to be a
celebration of the joy of the manifestation process (building something out of a dream) and all
the benefits it will bring to many people. As long as we enjoy the process, we will devote
ourselves to it.” The point here is with a simple shift in attitude; I was labeling the necessary
actions required for success as “fun” instead of “work.” Thus, the business venture became a
recreational activity—a time of celebration.

That’s why I do not personally respond to the expression “you can make serious money” so
popular with people promoting a financial venture. “Serious money” implies solemn, grave,
painstaking, sober, grim, unsmiling, somber, and humorless acquisition of wealth. Yuck!

Wouldn’t you much prefer to earn joyous, lighthearted, fun, carefree money—and tons of it
because Spirit never imposed a restriction upon the infinite possibilities of Life?

First make yourself a worthy steward. Appreciate the power of money and use it in gratitude.
Celebrate how money flows for your wise use. This smoothes the way for a self-fulfilling
prophecy of perpetual, unlimited pump-priming flow.

So, celebration can be the acknowledgement of our delightful ability to manifest our goals and
dreams despite all the set backs and roadblocks. Case in point: Walt Disney. Instill in your
mind and heart, your goal is already achieved. The manifestation of such a wonderful thing is
cause for celebration. Thus, celebration occurs now. It’s not an expensive party. It’s a feeling
and state of mind that ushers success to your front row.

Tres Amigos

So there are three elements that work together to build a greater and faster manifestation rate
for success: appreciation, gratitude, and celebration. Together they create additional
momentum to enhance every effort. Again, Appreciation is an inner feeling linked with joy
that adds value to life. Gratitude is an announcement of appreciation, a demonstration of it.
Celebration is the inner revelry of vivacious joy moved to expression through sharing,
compliments, worship, and triumph. [These tres amigos are congruent with the three
Attributes of Spirit discussed in the book, Passion Play, Chapter 5—expression, expansion, and

Thus, appreciation, gratitude, and celebration form a triad that spins like a propeller giving
flight to our aspirations. It generates a whirling, self-enhancing power that advances our goals
in a joyous state.

When you buy a house, you want it to appreciate, or increase in value. When you open a
savings account you want it to appreciate with compound interest. When you marry or
establish a close relationship, you want an appreciative, synergistic union that is selfenhancing, more than the sum total of your two individual attributes.

[By the way, have you told your spouse, lover, companion, parents, grandparents, friends, and
children how much you appreciate them lately?] It sows seeds of good will and even changes

Add Value To Life—Increase Your Appreciation

Appreciation is a catalyst for success. Here is an exercise to increase our appreciation and thus increase both the rate and quality of success. This is important because it helps us prepare for success as well as helps protect us from discouragement.
Take Action Now. Once we choose a topic to appreciate, we can create a list of all the things
we appreciate about it. This is actually a Relationship Sphere exercise because it defines our relationship with our other spheres of influence—Charity, Health, Spiritual Adventures, and
Wealth. In the Wealth Sphere, this list might be about all the things we appreciate about our
work, employment, or a business venture. In the Relationships Sphere, we might include
spouses or children or parents. Some people can benefit from an appreciation list about
themselves, which is similar to the “Write Your Epitaph” exercise in Passion Play’s Chapter14.
As we identify elements of appreciation, we will add value to that relationship.

Appreciation is the key that opens our hearts
to accept more of what we truly are – success in all five spheres of influence — Charity, Health,
Spiritual Adventures, Wealth, and Relationships.

For just one example, imagine a father who has a list of appreciation about his child.
Imagine how focusing on that appreciation will encourage his child to manifest more of those
attributes and minimize elements that are incongruent with those same attributes. Hmmm.
Perhaps this is a whole new way of relating to children. Instead of the typical parents’ lists of
criticisms, standards the child isn’t living up to, and all the things that need changing—it’s a
list of appreciation that causes those wonderful and developing attributes to flourish even

A good list will not be accomplished in one sitting simply because no one is consciously aware,
at any one moment, of all the attributes to appreciate. Like looking at a rose from different
angles and seeing different virtues, appreciation can grow and multiply. So dedicate at least a
week’s time to assemble your list. At the end of a week we will have 90% of the attributes.
Later, other attributes will pop up spontaneously as we experience more involvement, and we
can add them to our list. Even more exciting as we practice appreciation, we awaken other
noble attributes in the objects of our appreciation.

Appreciation Is Sunshine To A Rose Garden.
There is a greater potential inside everyone
and it only blooms in the light of our smiles and approbation.

Once we have written down a thorough list of what we appreciate about something, post it
somewhere so we will encounter it—on your closet wall or on the bathroom mirror. Type the
list, write it in calligraphy, put it on a scroll, make a poster. If it’s too private, we can put it
where only we can read it in the morning. If it’s a work or business list, put it on the wall of
your office, if appropriate. This is the world we wish to dwell in, in that relationship, so sky’s
the limit!

My stepdaughter, Jessica, wrote a Mother’s Day letter of appreciation to her mother, Janine.
It’s 8.5 inches wide and 3 feet long. Janine posted on her office door. There it serves as a daily
reminder of the true value of what Jessica appreciates—unconditional love and “being here”
for her. They have a phenomenal, loving relationship.

Our lists serve to not only remind us of what we appreciate; it provides continued
reinforcement when obstacles arise. And surely we know obstacles must arise! That’s Nature’s
way. Our resolve is always tested—well, nearly always.

To this end, when the day comes that someone says a cutting remark or things don’t go as you
had hoped, you can read over your What I Appreciate list and re-connect with the celebration
of your dream fulfilled. Then you will not make a mountain out of a molehill or let a bugsplat on your windshield ruin your whole trip.

One example that occurred with me in a new business venture was that one morning I got a
phone call from someone complaining about a minute occurrence. Then the phone rang with
someone demanding his money back. Then a business partner called to tell me I wasn’t doing
something right. It was definitely a day of low biorhythms, and these molehills were becoming
mountainous. Further they were undermining my belief that the business venture was worth
all this aggravation.

So I read over my list of appreciation, which included being involved in a venture with very
smart, bold, honest, daring, innovative, ethical, dedicated entrepreneurs; a product that brings
better health to people; and that provided the freedom to stay at home and not drive the
freeways to punch a clock. Once I was re-connected to the appreciation of the venture, I was
ready to do the most important aspect of the business that day—invite people to learn about
the venture.

Without my list, I would have not been effective in inviting or sharing the information
because my subconscious mind would be wrestling with the detriments rather than the
benefits. By not allowing petty circumstances to bring me down, I was able to keep my focus
on the goal and all the good it brings. Thus the What I Appreciate list is an instant attitude
adjustment with as much impact as the smack of a two-by-four between the eyes, but with a
lot less wear and tear.

As an adjunctive exercise, we can create an appreciation list for the key elements in each of
the five Spheres of Influence cited earlier. We don’t have to do it all in one day. Take an easy
one first—one where you already have a lot of appreciation such as a charity or business
venture we are excited about, a spouse, friend, lover, or family member. This will get us going
and we’ll soon see the benefits. This also helps identify ‘weak spheres,’ areas in our lives that
require some attention and mastery because inevitably, we’ll find that they have short lists.
Next, take a tough one—one where we don’t have much appreciation such as a boss, a job, an
ex-spouse, or someone who offended you such as a spouse, friend, lover, or family member.
(Funny how the ones we care about the most can fall in both categories. But this exercise
changes that quickly.)

Do this until you have many lists encompassing key elements of all five Spheres of Influence.
As you dwell in appreciation, many people report that they open new doors to unexpected
blessings. So use this format and make your list.

WHAT I APPRECIATE ABOUT ____________________(name the person or relationship.)
2. Etc.

It is not uncommon for your list to include as many as 25 points and many will have 50 or
more. The goal of listing is to get everything you can honestly write down. Later you can edit
it for redundancies or delete elements you don’t truly believe but were trying to force onto the
list. As in all things, be completely honest in your list of appreciation.

Follow Through

By making a list about something, it shows that we care and desire it to grow and be all it can
be. Now for the inevitable next step. We must communicate our appreciation. These
thoughts and heart-felt beliefs must not be held static, but must flow out. So we endeavor to
express our appreciation with acts of gratitude and celebration. One of my favorites is to
spontaneously send some a gift—a book that I read and enjoyed, a card, a note, a postcard, a
poem, a frivolous object—whatever pops up.

This does not mean we need to sit a person down and read them our list because this would
be embarrassing and imply that a response is expected. As we become familiar with our lists,
we automatically and naturally find opportunity to express a point now and then. Oftentimes
a simple “thank you” is all it takes.

Dwelling in genuine appreciation opens countless doors in life. It is a secret of success—a
competitive edge—and a magic power to both attaining your goals and living a life of wonder.
Best wishes in all your uplifting endeavors.

WellnessWiz Jack

Passion Play is the art and science of living the life of your dreams.

Passion Play applies an ancient Native American reflection method (the Mirror Technique®) with an enhanced mental
imaging process (Sensualization) to create goals and dreams that are truly congruent with who we, as a unique and
individual expression of Life, really are.

Appreciation, a discourse based on the book, PASSION PLAY by WellnessWiz Jack Tips ©2001, 2018 Apple-ADay Press www.appleadaypress.com
- • -
Passion Play provides the most powerful yet simple formula to effectively impress your subconscious mind to move
heaven and earth to manifest the life of your dreams.
- • -
Passion Play’s unique method of refining living verses awakens your creative strengths of belief, commitment and
resolve to help you mold, shape, and author a life of wonder.
- • -
The Mirror Technique is an effective and thoughtful way to communicate your heart’s desires to your subconscious
mind and there apply the mathematical formula of manifestation to make it so in your life.
- • -
Sensualization is a method to create a new matrix for your subconscious mind to fill. It awakens, enlivens and focuses
your subconscious mind so you become aligned with your true purpose and in that state of knowing find grace, ease,
growth, and success in your life endeavors.
- • -
Combining the Mirror Technique with Sensualization, Passion Play helps you create living verses of who you really
are which is inevitably more than the slice of life you are experiencing right now. Your verses are quickened with all
six of your senses—vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and heart-knowing—to create a multi-dimensional, vital
holograph for Life to fill.
- • -
Passion Play is a step-by-step process that takes you far beyond the practice of affirmations, hoping, and wishful
thinking into the dynamic realm of active participation in the inherent processes of Life -- expression, expansion, and
- • -
Passion Play will help you overcome known, unknown, and inherent self-limiting beliefs. It can help you open a new
door to a life of success and abundance. Now, if and when you are ready, you can harness your passion and begin a
new play.

1. Holt-Lunstad, Julianne; et al. "Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review." PLoS Medicine. 27
July 2010. Accessed 6 November 2016. http://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1000316.
2. Mills, Paul J.; et al. "The Role of Gratitude in Spiritual Well-being in Asymptomatic Heart Failure Patients." Spiritual
Clinical Practice. March 2015. Accessed 7 November 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4507265/.

The Art & Science Of APPRECIATION How To Increase The Quality & Rate of Success! By WellnessWiz Jack Tips Read More »

Leaky Gut, Inflammation AndThe Gut-Brain AxisBy Dr. Jack Tips [Ph.D., C.C.N.]The WellnessWiz™


Leaky Gut is a well-known syndrome where chronic, gastro-intestinal inflammation causes the immune system to work overtime and is linked with anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, autism-spectrum, and chronic-inflammatory/autoimmune diseases. As scientific research delves deeper into the body’s mysteries, natural health principles are ever-present and point the way to optimal health.


New findings reveal that nutrition and herbs form the foundational basis of health. Beyond that, the new research is elevating the importance of intestinal inflammation, dysbiosis (excessive pathogens, not enough probiotics), and Leaky Gut Syndrome as a primary causative factor that predisposes human health toward disease. Also, it’s clear that if practitioners fail to address Leaky Gut as a prerequisite, then they will subsequently fail to have truly positive clinical outcomes.


Here’s some bullet-point facts on Leaky Gut/Dysbiosis to inspire us clinicians to re-address this subject to support neurological health.


  • Intestinal health determines if our genes express health or disease via the enteric nervous system’s communication with the brain and the body’s epigenetic responses.


  • E. coli bacteria, a natural inhabitant of the colon, in the absence of proper probiotic cultures that control it, engender tumor formation.


  • Intestinal health predetermines obesity. Children with antibiotic-disturbed intestinal flora are 15% fatter than children not treated with antibiotics. The intestinal cultures instruct the body on how much fat to store!


  • Dysbiosis is closely linked to diabetes.


  • Leaky Gut damages the thyroid via the immune response to an enzyme transglutamase. The body can reverse hypothyroidism (including autoimmune Hashimoto’s) if leaky gut is corrected and localized free radical and cellular metabolic malfunctions are properly addressed.


  • Intestinal inflammation is a determining factor to the inflammation level throughout the body.


  • Intestinal bacteria directly influence brain genetics regarding the desire to take risks, violence, and overall mood.


  • Intestinal bacterial DNA creates the “set point” for the body’s neuroendocrine axis—hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenals. This is part of the “gut/brain connection.” Intestinal health predisposes hormonal and neurotransmitter communication throughout the body. Intestinal bacteria govern weaning, puberty, and the effectiveness of the human immune system.


  • Noting the many causes of an altered gut-microbiome (all the microbes inhabiting the intestinal tract), it’s no longer a question of IF a person has leaky gut—it’s a question of HOW MUCH the intestinal endothelium is damaged and how many tight-junctions are leaking. Leaky gut means more inflammation and less nutritional uptake—a double whammy for human health.


The higher inflammation is supported via the gut-brain nerve communications as well as physiological food particles, bacterial wastes, microbial DNA, and messenger molecules.  In February, 2002, the cover article for Time Magazine, Inflammation The Silent Killer, brought the inflammatory basis of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer to the forefront of public awareness.


Emerging research points directly to a new, foundational focus that is specifically germane to Chiropractic Physicians and a fortuitous opportunity to broaden the scope of practice to provide deeper, more lasting patient health benefits.  It’s the bi-directional relationship between the intestinal microbiome and the neural/immune system network. This is the “gut-brain axis” which means that bacteria have an enormous influence over what we think, do and feel.


At best, it seems that we humans holds 50.5% of the “voting authority” and the microbes hold 49.5% making them a most important player in human health. Humans have harnessed “microbe power” for our very life energy – mitochondrial ATP. It’s fair to say that microscopic life is vastly important part of our human experience.


Bi-Directional Hotline Communications. Microbes in the intestines speak directly with the brain, and the brain monitors and communicates directly with intestinal microbes.  More than a casual conversation, the gut microbiome plays a determining role in the entire body’s inflammation set-point that, when elevated, leads to chronic-degenerative/autoimmune disease as well as anxiety and depression. The enteric nervous system connects to the vagus nerve and mediates inflammation.


Origins Of Microbiome Mutation. Current research points to multiple causes of inflammation. Antibiotics (as remedial drugs as well as imbedded in commercial meat products) encourage mutation of microbial biofilms toward more virulent forms.  Genetically modified foods (85%—90% of commercial corn and soy products contain unlabeled genetically-modified chromosomes) and impart inflammatory glyphosate (Round Up©) pesticide now found in breast milk and infants’ bodies. Further, glyphosate is being investigated for mutating intestinal microbes to manufacture pesticides in-vivo. Wheat, a massively hybridized grain, is highly inflammatory due to the additional chromosomes that increase gluten and regulate height for the thrashers.  Refined carbohydrates and sugars (high fructose corn sweetener) as well as synthetic sweeteners (Aspartame) are clearly linked to increasing inflammatory activity in the intestines and throughout the body.  Processed foods and lack of dietary fibers are linked to inflammation via alteration of the intestinal microbiome.


Immune responses inflame cell membranes—plasma, mitochondrial, and nuclear. The cells become dysfunctional because hormone receptors don’t work well. Membrane inflammation is the real cause behind hormonal imbalances including insulin (diabetes’ inflammatory basis), and estrogen/progesterone/testosterone (PMS, and troublesome menopause/andropause.)


Available to clinicians is a four-dollar, in-office/at-home urine test that measures cellular inflammation via the lipid peroxidase.  Patient’s appreciate seeing proof.  Another inexpensive in-office/at-home test is a $35 dysbiosis test that measures urinary pathogen metabolites thus reveals the basis of inflammation and the need for intestinal microbiome rejuvenation.


The intestinal microbiome imprints the body’s immunological and physiological systems shortly after birth, and continues to influence inflammation and cellular metabolism throughout life.  The presence of pathogens and pathogenic biofilms in the intestines activate brainstem nuclei and become the basis of anxiety, depression, and chronic inflammatory conditions. We must correct the intestinal microbiome health to improve our overall health. Imperative!


Research demonstrates that improving the intestinal microbiome with rejuvenative therapy helps patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Crohn's Disease is now regarded as a “disruption in the immunological accommodation of the intestinal microbiome,” and studies reveal differences in the microbiome DNA profile between patients with bowel disease and controls that have no disease.


New research elevates the importance of the intestinal microbiome’s influence in baseline human health.  This is particularly true of neurological health and thus is critically important to helping patients with neurological symptoms—not just for brain concerns; but for joint inflammation, pain, disc, and spinal issues. An elevated inflammation set-point via enteric-vagus-central-peripheral nervous systems’ influence over immunological responses undermines corrective adjustments.


Modern research validates the “holistic” model that anything that affects one part of the body, affects the whole person.  The intestinal microbiome is actually an organ on par with the liver and brain. Simply put, anything that affects the intestinal microbiome affects the whole body; and anything that affects the body, affects the microbiome.  An example of that reciprocity is when the body releases stress hormones, the microbiome changes and becomes more inflammatory. This further strengthens the body-mind connection and becomes the body-microbiome-mind connection.


Correction of an altered microbiome is more that tossing some probiotics down the hatch or eating some pasteurized commercial yogurt. It involves a simple strategy that accomplishes three things: 1) reduction of pathogenic species and their biofilms, 2) re-colonization of beneficial species, and 3) reinforcement of beneficial species and their biofilms with prebiotic fibers and probiotic species.


Natural health is all about “correct the cause.” Lowering the inflammatory set-point, opening neuro-pathways (chiropractic adjustment) and freeing the body’s innate vitality to correct symptoms is the epitome of natural health practice.


Whitehead WE, Palsson O, Jones KR. Systematic review of the comorbidity of irritable bowel syndrome with other disorders: what are the causes and implications? Gastroenterology 2002; 122:1140–56.


Impaired carbohydrate digestion and transport and mucosal dysbiosis in the intestines of children with autism and gastrointestinal disturbances. PloS one, Vol. 6, No. 9. (16 September 2011), e24585


Anisman H. Cascading effects of stressors and inflammatory immune system activation: implications for major depressive disorder.J Psychiatry Neurosci 2009; 34:4–20.


Eurekalert, 16 Aug. 2012. Genes carried by E. coli bacteria linked to colon cancer, University of Liverpool.


Int’l Journal of Obesity. Study of 10,000 children by researchers at New York University Medical School and New York University Wagner School of Public Service.  PreventDisease.com, 8/24/2012.


Mesnage, R.; Defarge, N.; Spiroux de Vendômois, J.; Séralini,G. E. Major pesticides are more toxic to human cells than their declared active principles. BioMed Research International, 2014, 2014:179691. doi: 10.1155/2014/179691. Epub 2014 Feb 26.


Maslowski & Mackay, Diet, Gut Microbiota and Immune Responses, Nature Immunology, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 17, Dec. 2010.


Pusztai, Action Bioscience, American Institute of Biological Sciences. Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health?


Thyroid.  Naiyer AJ, Shah J, Hernandez L, Kim SY, Ciaccio EJ, Cheng J, Manavalan S, Bhagat G, Green Thyroid and Celiac Autoantibodies   Akimov SS, Belkin AM. Cell surface tissue transglutaminase is involved in adhesion and migration of monocytic cells on fibronectin. Blood. 2001;98: 1567-1576.


Rao AV, Bested AC, Beaulne TM et al. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of a probiotic in emotional symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Gut Pathog 2009; 1:6.


C Cuvelier, C Barbatis, H Mielants, M DeVos, , H Roels, E. Veys, Histopathologyofintestinalinflammationrelatedto reactivearthritis


Spisák, S.; Solymosi, N.; Ittzés, P.; Bodor, A.; Kondor, D.; Vattay, G.; Barták, B.K.; Sipos, F.; Galamb, O.  Complete genes may pass from food to human blood. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(7):e69805. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069805. Print 2013.


Anisman H. Cascading effects of stressors and inflammatory immune system activation: implications for major depressive disorder.J Psychiatry Neurosci 2009; 34:4–20.


Neufeld, K., et al. (2011). Reduced anxiety-like behavior and central neurochemical change in germ-free mice. Neurogastroenterol. Motil.


Freestone PP, Sandrini SM, Haigh RD et al. Microbial endocrinology: how stress influences susceptibility to infection. Trends Microbiol 2008; 16:55–64.


Forsythe P, Sudo N, Dinan T et al. Mood and gut feelings. Brain Behav Immun 2009; 24:9–16.


Hughes DT, Sperandio V. Inter-kingdom signaling: communication between bacteria and their hosts. Nat Rev Microbiol 2008;6:111–20.


Verdu EF, Bercik P, Verma-Gandhu M et al. Specific probiotic therapy attenuates antibiotic induced visceral hypersensitivity in mice. Gut 2006; 55:182–90.


Amaral FA, Sachs D, Costa VV et al. Commensal microbiota is fundamental for the development of inflammatory pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008; 105:2193–7.

Collins SM, Bercik P. The relationship between intestinal microbiota and the central nervous system in normal gastrointestinal function and disease. Gastroenterology 2009; 136:2003–14.


Neufeld KM, Bienenstock J, Foster JA. The impact of intestinal microbiota on anxiety-like behaviour. Neurogastroenterol Motil2008; 20:125.

Wikoff WR, Anfora AT, Liu J et al. Metabolomics analysis reveals large effects of gut microflora on mammalian blood metabolites.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009; 106:3698–703.


Carpenter, Dr. Siri, That gut feeling, American Psychological Association, Sep 2012, Vol 43, No. 8, With a sophisticated neural network transmitting messages from trillions of bacteria, the brain in your gut exerts a powerful influence over the one in your head, new research suggests.


Fasano, Zonulin and Its Regulation of Intestinal Barrier Function: The Biological Door To Inflammation, Autoimmunity, and Cancer. American Physiological Society, Physiological Reviews doi: 10. 1152/ physrev. 00003. 2008 Physiol Rev January 1, 2011 vol. 91



Otitoju and Onwurah Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Biomarkers of Pesticide - Contaminated Environment, Pollution Control & Biotechnology Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria.


Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome, Nature 486, 207–214 (14 June 2012) doi:10.1038/nature11234.

Leaky Gut, Inflammation AndThe Gut-Brain AxisBy Dr. Jack Tips [Ph.D., C.C.N.]The WellnessWiz™ Read More »

Gut Reaction & Exercise An extrapolative meta-analysis of a few research studies for your health edification. By WellnessWiz Jack Tips, Ph.D., C.C.N.

8.mouse in wheel

As science conducts thousands of studies revealing the importance of our human gut-microbiome, more people realize that the health, care and feeding of our microbial allies provides a ginormous, beneficial influence on health and life experience.


‘Bug’ Power! So we’re well aware that the 100 trillion ‘bugs’ (bacteria, fungi, yeasts, virus, etc.) that share our bodies are indispensable to our brain health, immune function, and cellular metabolic activities. Just in case we needed yet another reason to break out the ole roller skates or dust off the ole Hula Hoop, science now informs us that exercise is critically important to our gut microbial health.


Yes, this means that if a person spent less on probiotic supplements and did a few runs on the ole Whamo Slip ‘n Slide (before it gets too cold), they would improve their gut health even more significantly.


Rugby-Bugby. Just a couple of years ago, an Irish study compared the gut health of elite rugby athletes and discovered that they had much healthier guts, mental health, and immune function than sedentary folks, [despite the fact that the sedentary control group drank more top-o’-the-mornin’ stout.] While open to interpretation that rugby is essential to health, or that the athletic diet is different, the Emerald Isle study successfully sparked many other studies to prove that exercise improves the gut microbiome and its impact on overall health.


Three Studies Concur. Rather than focus on scrummages, chuckers, curling, or bunsens; Science turned to wee-mousies in a wheel. The Rutgers University Scarlet Knights (replaced Chanticleer The Rooster) study discovered that exercise increased butyrate – the short-chain fatty acid produced by upper G.I. tract bacteria that supports both bifidobacteria and the colonocytes that perform bowel motility exercises. Seems that exercise begets exercise and inspires bowel motions while cleverly preventing bowel cancer. There was a 40% increase in several probiotic species. In humans, this can also mean less intestinal bloating.


Not to be outdone on the athletic or scientific fields, the Colorado University Buffaloes are betting that their affirming/duplicating study now underway based on the hypothesis that exercise plus pre-biotic fibers will prove to provide an even greater health advantage.  Ya think?


Leave it to the Europeans to cut to the chase and conduct a significant study involving human beings and thus avoiding the tedium of giving wee-enemas to wee mousies. The University of Madrid studied more than 100 men and women separating them into two groups – those who exercised less than 3-hours a week and those who exercise a manageable 3-5 hours a week. (No athletes, just regular folks.) The results were phenomenal with a 400% increase in resident bifidobacteria in the exercise group.


One extrapolation of the Madrid study is a significant improvement in immune performance. And to the great pleasure of those who depend on funding for research, they discovered an anomaly. Seems that women benefitted more profoundly than men. One hypothesis could be that women’s bodies provide a more nurturing environment?  Science will find out!


Vagus Nerve & Exercise. For many years, medical science has observed a direct correlation between exercise and intestinal symptoms and diseases. Exercise directly impacts the Vagus Nerve that regulates gut-performance (and a thousand other things). The Vagus Nerve is cited as the “direct connection” for gut/brain and brain/gut communications. Of course it’s too early to actually make a recommendation that a person should exercise to improve gut health. Seems there’s not yet an expensive drug to do the same thing only with side effects.


Health Triad: Immune System, Gut Microboime, Exercise. Medical science also cites that the innate immunity (different from acquired immunity) is improved due to release of muscle-related cytokines called myokines (messengers on immune cells such as monocytes and macrophages involved in inflammation and ultimately cancer). Bottom line, the immune system, the gut microbiome and the exercise phenomenon all share a part of the human metabolic health. This is but one reason why exercise is a cancer-deterrent. And par for the course, it will require many years of consideration before a gastroenterologist or oncologist says, “Hey, get off your duff and exercise because it’ll make you healthy and you won’t need a colostomy bag or some gut microbiome destroying chemo.”


Conclusion: Here’s the takeaway.

Exercise necessary for healthy gut microbiome. Healthy gut microbiome necessary for healthy body. Healthy body necessary for happy life. Love necessary for a happy life.


WellnessWiz Interpretation: Exercise Love & Love Exercise!

Gut Reaction & Exercise An extrapolative meta-analysis of a few research studies for your health edification. By WellnessWiz Jack Tips, Ph.D., C.C.N. Read More »

World’s Best1Chili: akaTexas CaviarBy WellnessWiz Jack Tips


Seems that everyone says their chili recipe is “the best,” and you know that’s not really true; but here, we’ll create the very bestest chili in the whole wide world. Yes indeed. The World’s Best! Guaranteed! Or quadruple your free licensing fee back!


Advisory Warning. This is not a vegan, vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, or fruitarian dish.  This is a carnivore recipe.  I will follow with a tasty vegetarian dish soon.


Choose The Meat, or Not

2 lbs. organic, grass-fed or wild-caught meat.  Cow, steer, buffalo, armadillo, chicken, squirrel, deer, javelina, elk, gnu, snake, possum …. Whatever you like. Some of the best chili down here in Texas is URK (Unidentifiable Road Kill) also called Highway Pizza provided you can beat the buzzards to it.


A note of caution regarding ‘wild caught’ meat.  Here in Texas, ranchers feed the white tail deer with genetically-modified corn which we all should know is slathered with Glyphosate (RoundUp™) pesticide now proven to cause cancer and is destructive to the human gut-microbiome.  So it’s important to know where the deer, turkey, javelina, dove, et. al. lived and if it has been grazing on pesticided fields or fed GMO corn. The idea of  clean meat from hunted game is now officially fading into the sunset.


Most people will use a lean, 100% Pasteur/grass-fed ground beef. When you brown it, you can add a dash of red wine, garlic and bell peppers to improve the nutrition and umami (savor).


Note: Do not use the neighbor’s barky dog. That dog has been on an unnatural diet of cooked ‘who knows what’ in the kibble and can –grains, GMO soy, fillers, organs from sick animals.  Also, do not use skunk.


Grind or fine-chop the meat and brown it in a skillet. Take your time and use medium heat so as to not damage the amino acid structures.


Note: Red wine and garlic improve the fat-nutrition aspect of red meat by influencing the fatty acid assimilation (reduces arachidonic acids). The allium genus works well as a seasoning: thus garlic, onion, scallion, leek, chives, shallots are fine and add a distinct flavor.


Tips from Tips: Use Hamburger or Ground Round, fresh ground, grass-fed, organically-raised, antibiotic-free, pesticide-free. Food is for life – antibiotics and pesticides kill!


Choose The Stock

Bone Broth—28 oz. Chicken broth is the favorite because it’s mild. A bovine broth such as Beef, Ox, Buffalo, Yak, Water Buffalo, Bongo, Kudu, Eland, Antelope, Anoa, will add more “beefy” flavor.


Javelina, wild hog, boar, peccary, wart hog and other organic porcine broths (e.g. Entelodont, if you live in the past) can work just fine. Generally fish-bone broth does not lend itself to this recipe from a culinary perspective.


Go to the barn and take a large bore rifle …. Just kidding, go to your bone broth freezer and make your selection from the lovely Funky Kitchen bone broths you’ve already made or acquired.


Into a slow cooker pot, such as a crockpot, put 28 oz of BBOYC (Bone broth of your choice).


Choose The Beans

Organic Beans.  30 oz. cooked beans, e.g. BOYC “Beans Of Your Choice”: Kidney beans, Chili beans, Black Beans, Pinto Beans, Has-Beens (not coffee beans).


Prepare your beans the soak method:  soak/sprout with kefir, slow cook. Discard the bean water as it’s carrying off unwanted molecules.


People in a hurry will use two 15-oz cans of Kidney beans. However, fresh-cooked beans are vastly superior and you can season to taste, e.g. a bay leaf, paprika, cilantro, garlic, ham hock, kombu. Besides they digest better; and don’t have the ‘pop.’


  • If using canned beans, make sure they are organic. Pour off the first inch of water from the juice (the juice separates and is watery at the top of the can and thicker a little lower) and include the rest of the bean juice as part of the “bean contribution” to the overall chili flavor.


Prepare The Garlic

8 cloves organic garlic.  Crush the garlic-cloves with the flat of a butcher knife. Let them sit for 5 minutes. This activates the Allicin molecule that helps your immune system regulate its normal, natural relations with your gut-microbiome. And it makes removing the garlic-husk much easier!


Then mince the garlic into tiny pieces. Toss the garlic in the pot.


Choppin’ Parsley

2 oz fresh chopped parsley. Go outside to your organic garden. Take some scissors. Snip a small nosegay of Italian parsley, e.g. a couple of sprigs, to make 2 oz of fresh chopped parsley.  If you don’t have parsley in your garden—you can remedy that in your Spring garden by planting the seeds in the late Winter, or planting a bedding plant after the threat of freezing temperatures has expired.


Or: Use 1 Tbsp of organic, dried parsley from the spice jar.


Note, a good parsley patch will support a few black-swallowtail butterflies via the very hungry caterpillars that precede them. So plan on sharing a little if you love butterflies. These caterpillars have great personalities, are often seen smoking hookah pipes. Plus they stress the plant to employ its defenses which our human tongues perceive as “flavor” and our gut microbiomes use as regulatory molecules. But I digress …


Parsley adds botanical nutrients that buffers the acids of the meat and facilitates healthy uptake of amino acids. And it adds a compatible flavor.


Bell Pepper: Green, Yellow, Orange, Red Variations Of Flavors

Go outside to your organic garden. Take some scissors. Snip off a bell pepper. If early in the season, it’ll be a green bell pepper; if a bit later, it’ll be yellow; then orange, and finally red.

The greatest nutrition and best flavor is in the garden-ripe, red bell pepper.


Nutrient Green Yellow Red
Vitamin C 137% 282% 292%
Vitamin A   12%      3.6% 105%
β-Carotene 340% 110% 841%

Note: DV = “Daily Value.” The fact that one bell pepper can be darn near 300% more than the “daily value” suggests that daily values are virtually meaningless calculations published on the USDA database. But an overview of this chart points to the fact that a plant-ripened food is infinitely better than a store-bought, artificially or non-vine ripened vegetable. Just sayin’ …

Also interesting how the initial “green” nutrients are utilized resulting in a lowering at the “yellow” phase, then magically reappear when “red” ripe. These nascent nutrients are far superior to vitamin supplements having been freshly created by the plant’s innate intelligence.


Rinse, dice, and toss it in the cauldron.


Honkey/Donkey Burro-Kickin’ Jalapeno Flavor

3 Jalapenos, seeded & chopped. Go outside to your organic garden. Take some scissors. Snip off three jalapenos that are turning red. If too early for ripe ones (red), you can snip some nice green ones. Your jalapenos’ Scoville heat units will be dependent on the variety and if you stressed the plant. Most people grow mild to middlin’ warm jalapenos which are terrific for this recipe and will not add a burn that will curl your eyebrows and send children screaming for ice cream (organic, fresh-made, raw milk, wild honey, organic free-range egg, organic fruit) to put out the fire.  If you are a HPW (hot pepper wuss), you can get Jeff’s Natural “Tamed” Jalapenos—full of flavor without a modicum of burn.


You can add other fresh peppers from your garden: ancho, pasilla, banana, chili, serano, naga, bhut jolokia, bird, habanero, devil’s tongue, fatalii, wiri-wiri, datil, cayenne, tepin, tien tsin etc. Keep in mind that others eating the chili may not have your level of heat-tolerance or appreciation of the subsequent endorphin release as much as another person.  Compassionate people make fairly mild chili and then spice it up with fresh cayenne, fresh jalapeno should someone want the mule kick. Or surprise the heat-seekers with some scorpion pepper powder or simply stick a hot curling iron in their mouths and be done with it.


If you don’t have jalapenos in your garden, then your second best choice is organic, store-bought.

If you can’t find organic store bought, you can order them on-line.

If you’re too lazy to do that, then you can use organic, pickled jalapenos from the jar.


Organic Crushed Tomatoes/Organic Tomato Paste

The base of a good chili, barring a road-kill armadillo, is the tomato and chili powder base.


Venture outside to your organic garden and pick enough tomatoes to make 28 oz. of crushed tomatoes.  Then do just that. Sit on ‘em. Crush ‘em. Toss ‘em in the pot.


Or, alas, if you did not plant tomatoes in your organic garden; then you’ll have to settle for the pablum of store-bought ones—grown, packaged, sprayed with who-knows-what, bikini waxed, and shipped to a warehouse near you.


Or, you can hasten your production and use organic tomato paste in a jar. Since tomatoes are acidic, they are best in glass jars, not cans.  If opting for jarred tomato paste, use 21 oz.


Thus: 28 oz. of crushed tomatoes or 21 oz. of organic tomato paste.  Into the hopper.


Organic Chili Powder

The flavor of chili comes from chili powder, and that’s different than fresh or dried chilies. Gotta have the organic chili powder.


For sensitive palates – 2 – 2.5 TBSP

For good-eatin’ mild palates – 5 TBSP

For adventurous palates – 6.5 TBSP


Stir it into the pot and let it simmer.


Organic Cumin Powder

Add 1.5 Tsp organic cumin powder.  Great chefs and Hispanics know that too much cumin can ruin the subtle flavors of a recipe, and Anglos are notorious for using too much. Too little cumin leaves a recipe ‘lacking in substance.’ So, we have this ingredient calculated to the grain, and the right amount is 1½ Tsp as in Teaspoon.

Stir into the pot for a good simmer.


Experimentation Allowed

You can doctor your spice blend with other surprises … a dash of oregano add a wonderful mama-mia aspect (more on this below); pasilla pepper is mild and flavorful and adds a chili releno mystique.


Scot’s Whisky

Scotch can add a fascinating, smoky aspect to chili. When added to the crockpot, the alcohol is quickly burned off leaving the smoky, peaty flavor if a Highland single-malt is used; and a smoky, peaty, iodine-y flavor if an island single-malt is chosen.


Either way, Scotch whisky seems to meld the flavors into a homogenous whole. Amount? One wee dram. That’s actually 1/8 of an ounce – barely a taste. At that rate of use, your culinary bottle of overpriced single malt will last a while since there are 200 wee drams in a fifth. But as your recipe gains acclaim, do anticipate a run on it.


At this time, I don’t know of any chili recipe that employs scotch, but there are many that employ whiskey. Certainly the Scots would disapprove of wasting a wee dram in foolish cookery-frippery. So this may be a discovery of mine where one morning, while fixing my usual breakfast haggis, I spilled a large tumbler of Scotch into the mix (hard to pack a sheep’s stomach with meat and oatmeal while tippling the morning mouthwash – but darn near impossible to do without the libation when fixing haggis for breakfast—I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about!) and decided that the hair of the dog was a good addition to the recipe – but by then, who could really tell?  [Note: I do so hope that you’ve figured out that I’m kidding … about the haggis. No really, about Scotch for breakfast. ]


Secret Ingredients

In the spirit of Col. Sanders, it’s always good to have a few secret ingredients so people will lick their bowls, something and that will save a lot of time with the dishwashing aspect after dinner. You can add a pinch of these herbs as Col. Sanders’ Spirit moves you, or none at all if it doesn’t:

  • Fresh Cilantro (of course from your garden, or out of the organic spice jar) Be careful, it’s a mint, but it’s always nice to have a heavy-metal chelating, microbiome-supportive botanical in the mix. ½ Tsp.
  • Oregano (right, it’s in your garden, or in the organic spice jar). Again, easy does it. Oregano is brain-associated with Italian cooking, but it’s also a staple of Mexican cuisine. Too much, and your chili will get brain-fogged and confused. Just an eentsy-weentsy dusting, and voila! Mystery! ½ Tsp.
  • Ancho Chili Powder (might be in your garden, otherwise it’s organic in a spice jar.) Ancho chili is NOT HOT. It’s a mild, sweet pepper. So a light dusting of ancho chili powder can smooth out the savory flavors with a tinge of sweet. As they say, “A teaspoon of sugar helps the Lantus, Januvia, Metformin go down …” People’s brains respond quickly to the taste sensation of “sweet,” so a hint of Ancho seems to tickle taste buds that are not normally involved in the chili experience. 1 Tsp.


With all the above simmering in the crockpot for 2-4 hours, you can anticipate the many uses:

  • In a bowl with organic, pasture-raised cheddar cheese
  • Over a couple of organic, turkey wieners – yep that constitutes an open-face chili-dog
  • A dip for celery stalks
  • Over some crushed organic tortilla chips and call it a ‘frito pie.’


This entire recipe is actually easy to assemble if you are focused on convenience – one stop at the natural foods market and you’ll have everything.


Post Scriptum

It’s fun to experiment with the ingredients and choices. Keep notes as one day, you’ll hit on magic and may want to open a chili parlor. While typing this recipe for you, I’ve made a batch of chili and it’s fantastic … I did not have any Scotch, so I added some vermouth that’s been on the shelf thickening and evaporating for a couple of years.  For me, cookin’ chili is an ever-changing experiment in nutrition and flavors.  Next week, I’ll send you my recipe for ketchup and pickle-juice ice cream. – Chow!  ~WellnessWiz Jack

World’s Best1Chili: akaTexas CaviarBy WellnessWiz Jack Tips Read More »

Natural Detoxification–The Body’s Innate Process Of Self-CleansingBy WellnessWiz Jack Tips (Ph.D., C.C.N.)


Health In The 21st Century Requires A New Model For Detoxification

Your Genes Can Guide Your Natural Health Professional How To Maximize Your Innate Cellular Function


Detoxification is a fundamental, critically important life process. Our cells must eat, drink, work, rest, repair, and cleanse themselves as basic functions required to sustain life. The 21st Century brings new challenges, both in the dangers and severity of acquired toxins, and in the methods best employed to help. 20th Century methods, while fundamentally valid, are no longer the safest and most optimal methods to maintain and regain health. Here we’ll learn the importance of supporting the body’s natural detox methods as an all-important first step and the tremendous value that genetic testing provides to individualize that support.


Terminology. The word “detoxification” is a natural health term in the public domain and common usage demonstrates that it refers to the body’s innate process of altering or removing health-threatening toxins and metabolic wastes from inside its cells, and escorting them safely out of the body. As a natural life process, no one, no method, and no institution can copyright or own the term, “detoxification.”


Detoxification is the body’s natural, innate processes to either “recycle molecules,” or “take out the trash.” This cellular function is necessary for survival as well as optimal cellular health. Today, this fundamental process is being challenged like never before.


So detoxification refers to the body’s normal, natural cellular activities of molecularly converting toxins to either useable or moveable substances—a process that involves functions controlled by genes. More specifically, cellular biologists would tell you that detoxification involves identifiable genes that methylate, donate or accept electrons, and use ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate) – the body’s chemical energy of life.


The body is “The Great Recycler!” It endeavors to do the most work with the least amount of energy. Effecient metabolic activities are a survival trait.


Note: Not Medical “Detox.” In medicine, the term “detoxification” is also borrowed from common usage and used to describe methods of chemically helping people who are addicted to drugs (narcotics, alcohol, and prescription medicines) to reduce their toxic effects and neurotransmitter dependency.  Often these procedures are called “rehab” or “rehabilitation.” Also, “detoxification” is a term used in medicine to help save lives of people who ingest life-threatening poisons (chemicals, lead paint, chlorine vapors, medications). These acute and chronic medical procedures are NOT what we are talking about in this article.


Two types of toxins: 1) Internal Metabolic Wastes, 2) External Exogenous Elements (Toxic compounds).


  • Metabolic wastes are produced by the cells when they use oxygen and food-nutrients to make ATP energy and perform their life functions. Metabolic wastes occur during the body’s anabolic building of tissues and muscles, as well as its normal catabolic breaking down substances into various molecules. So detoxification is the cells employing nutrients for cellular life processes. This is part of the science of


  • Exogenous elements are metals, chemicals, molecules and compounds that do not, and cannot, serve the cells or the body’s life processes; or are simply detrimental (toxic) to the body. This includes chemicals (chlorine, fluoride), plastics, pesticides, food additives, partially-hydrogenated (trans) fats, cis-(mirror image) molecules, air pollutants, water pollution, prescription drugs, etc., as well as metabolic wastes from pathogens (bacteria, parasites, fungi, virus and mycoplasmas.)


Dumpsters in your body. Waste products are chelated, mobilized and transported through the body to exit portals. Along the way, the body has a choice to drop toxins off at a storage depot if its innate wisdom determines that it cannot properly dispose of the load called a “toxic burden.” A handy place for the body to “lay its burden down” is in the fat cells as well as the collagen (extracellular matrix) – anywhere it does not interfere with cellular life processes.


For example, if the body’s chief detoxification organ—the liver—does not have enough nutrients [methyl molecules, sulfur-bearing amino acids, glutathione (antioxidants), and enzymes] available to handle the toxic burden while performing its myriad other duties, then toxins may be stored in the fat cells for future detoxification when the nutritional resources are available. Or in the case of lead, it has an affinity for the bones. This means that the body just sets the work aside on the back burner. Toxins stored in fat cells are one reason why the fat cells enlarge or become water-infiltrated as the body uses the lymph fluid to protect itself from the inflammation associated with the stored toxins.


Breast Tissue Toxicity. Since the breasts are largely composed of adipose (fat) cells, natural health researchers surmise that if the breasts become storage depots for exogenous toxins, that the resulting free-radical damage might be associated with the reason that breast cancer is a primary concern for women, and a growing concern for men who also develop estrogenic sensitive adipose pectoral tissue.


Scientists also point out that women with expressed BRCA-1&2 genes are more susceptible to hormone and free-radical damage that can potentially lead to breast cancer. The science of epigenetics reminds us that those genes do not have to ever express—thus they are only a susceptibility, not a certainty. It only makes sense that a genetic-susceptibility can be lowered by supporting the body’s normal, natural detoxification activities. Natural health experts teach that detoxification and nutrition are two factors that help protect women from expressing those genes. An ounce of prevention is so much better than a ton of cure.


Breast cells also have abundant hormone receptors on their membranes. Should these cell membranes become inflamed due to toxins, they become unable to receive the estrogenic hormonal messengers – estrone, estradiol, and estriol. If the liver is over-burdened by detoxification demands, then it may not handle (re-conjugate) its vital estrogen activities very well. The hormone, estrone, when not methylated can become “toxic,” and it can bind to DNA and cause damage. BRCA gene expression is susceptible to DNA damage.


Drainage. The body has established “drainage” pathways or “exit portals” that are used to “take out the trash.”  Toxins processed by the liver can exit the body through the gall bladder and the kidneys. The gall bladder generally gets the high molecular weight, fat-soluble toxins; and the kidneys get the water-soluble toxins.


The body can use every “exit portal” to get rid of toxins and some are used more than others depending upon how the body decides to conduct business. Some tissues and processes that have EXIT signs posted are: the gall bladder (moves toxins into the small intestines), kidneys (urination), lungs (gaseous toxins exhaled), skin (sweat), lachrymal glands (tears), sinuses (mucous drainage), menstrual period, colon (bowel movements), ears (wax), and hair (toxins exit into the hair shaft.


Inside most every cell are organelles called lysosomes, peroxisomes, golgi bodies, and endoplasmic reticulum that use a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying molecule called glutathione (GSH) as well as methyl groups (CH3) to transmutate toxins and help eliminate them from the cells.


Your cells collectively are the largest detoxification organ in your body.  This is why the art and science of detoxification has changed in the 21st Century. Today we have more chemical toxins in the environment entering the cells than ever before.


There are millions of power plants called mitochondria inside your cells that manufacture life’s chemical energy, ATP. The other organelles have critically important functions such as genetic transcription, constructions of enzymes and proteins, and molecular transformations to conduct life-business, and they have a strong preoccupation with detoxification. Nature shows us by the structure of the cell’s organelles that detoxification is critically important for healthy cells, and healthy cells are the foundation of a healthy body.


Inflammation: The Real Price Of Toxins.  Like our cities, our bodies have elaborate waste disposal systems. Just like cities caught up in a garbage strike with mountains of reeking refuse piling up on the sidewalks, our bodies can become overburdened with toxins and the dire need to detoxify and resolve chronic inflammation.  Different people’s genetics express different abilities to detoxify, so some people are more sensitive to the detrimental impact of environmental toxins than others. Gene testing quickly reveals a person’s detoxification capabilities and what nutrient-tools help support any weak links.


In February, 2004, Time Magazine’s cover article was, “The Secret Killer: The Surprising Link Between INFLAMMATION and Heart Attacks, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, And Other Diseases.” Here, the public was alerted to the inflammation process and how the cell’s mitochondria communicate with the brain and immune system as a common link to all autoimmune and chronic-degenerative diseases.


What Causes Inflammation?  Triggers are legion. The intestinal microbiome (the intestinal microbes) plays a huge role in the set-point of inflammation throughout the body. Pathogenic microbes in the intestines can trigger the immune system’s normal inflammation responses. Various environmental toxins engender free-radical damage to cell membranes. The resulting cell fragments alarm the immune system and incite the body’s natural,  self-protective inflammatory response.


There may be other inflammatory responses caused by damaged genes. Science points to electromagnetic frequencies, cell phones, WIFI, Bluetooth networks, electrical smart-meters, solar radiation during daytime air travel, radar and airport scanners, as well as ionic radiations from radioactive particles in the air, food, and water); but the “elephant in the room” is the correlation between the skyrocketing rise of inflammatory diseases and the correlating rise of environmental toxins in the air, water, food (pesticides, genetic modifications, bio-engineered alterations, and hybridization of plant genetics), as well as from products in our garages, on our lawns, in our mouths from amalgam (mercury) dental fillings, on our skin (toxic cosmetics), and in carpets and home furnishings (fire retardants). Obviously the immune system is responding to something causing our cells to initiate inflammatory responses. Toxins are the chief, most widely acclaimed, cause. It’s well-proven that pesticides, mercury, lead, chemicals, plastics, and trans-fats, damage cells and cause inflammation.


Bucket Theory. It doesn’t take any leap of logic to arrive at the bucket concept—the simplistic idea that when the bucket gets filled, it overflows. Different people have different sized toxin buckets, so some people handle the environment better than others before a genetic switch is thrown and disease results. The size of a person’s bucket is determined by their genes that govern cellular detoxification and availability of dietary-based supportive molecules.


The body can only store so much before there’s a straw that breaks the camel’s back. When toxins overflow they damage cell membranes, mitochondrial energy processes, and in even genes. Here, in the body’s innate self-preservation process, is the root of the inflammation dilemma. The inflammation that is now known to cause all the big diseases stems from molecules that launch the body’s normal inflammation responses. Cited dietary culprits include sugar and refined carbohydrate foods as well as food additives; and/or a diet that lacks the phytonutrients (vegetables, fruit, pasture-raised meat) that help the body’s normal, natural efforts to avoid inflammation and free radical damage.


Cell Membrane Damage. Toxins damage cell membranes by irritating the membranes or by causing free radical damage that excites the inflammation response. Damaged membranes no longer have hormone receptors that can perform effectively. This is an important issue with the hormone-resistant diseases e.g. diabetes (insulin resistance) and hypothyroidism (thyroxin resistance and failure to convert T4 to T3). Toxins also confuse the brain’s hormonal command center—the hypothalamus—that must properly communicate with the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and gonadal glands. Hormone imbalances are not so much a hormone problem as they are cell membrane issues.

When the cell membranes [plasma (outer cell wall), mitochondria and other organelles, and nuclear membranes] are inflamed and unable to function correctly, the nutrients (glucose, oxygen) that fuel mitochondrial production of ATP can be blocked or diminished. Scientists have cited that “a lack of ATP is a root cause of all diseases” because when cellular energy is low, the cells cannot repair their DNA. The genetic code that tells them how to perform becomes flawed. Gene testing provides a blueprint about ATP and mitochondrial function.


DNA repair also requires enzymes as well as methyl molecules (CH3)—made from Vitamin B12, Folate (not Folic Acid), and SAM-e (S-Adenosyl Methionine) – that silence disease-expressive chromosomes. Science cites inflamed membranes and free radical damage to DNA as root causes of why a person’s genes express a dread disease instead of optimal health. The body needs access to its life code (called transcription) to maintain optimal cellular health. Ultimately our bodies need optimal cellular health in order to have optimal body health; and ultimately cells require Nature’s nutrients to perform.


Further, the lack of the body’s chief antioxidant, glutathione, and other antioxidants—catalase, superoxide dismutase—can allow the mitochondria to engage in a perpetual cycle of free radical destruction labeled by Dr. Martin Pall as the “NO/ONOO cycle” in reference to the molecules involved. This vicious cycle inhibits proper ATP production (low energy), and also damages chromosomes, e.g. free radical damage directly linked to inflammation as well as unleashing disease processes from within the body. Genetic testing reveals a person’s nitric oxide (NO) functionality.


Detoxification Is A Nutrient-Dependent Process. The body uses the molecules from whole food, especially organic vegetables, organic fruit, and herbs to provide both the energy (ATP) and the tools (nutrient molecules) to maintain itself in optimal health with a minimal amount of toxins fouling up the metabolic processes like sludge on a car’s sparkplugs.


If you have the nutrients, the body will automatically use them to detoxify itself. This is also why easy access to nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and anti-oxidants are a basic human right. They help counter the cellular damage of living in the 21st Century. This is also why nutritional “detox” programs are critically important to national health.


The Best Way To Detoxify. Since the body already has its own innate detoxification processes, from a natural health perspective, it’s absolutely best to work with the body’s own systems. This is really the essence of natural health—working with the body rather than inflicting chemical demands.


Here is a general plan to BUILD the body nutritionally so it can detoxify itself. A sequential approach to building whole-body nutritional health is the essence of a proper detoxification program.

  1. Support the liver with phytonutrients (organic fruit & vegetables, and herbs). Build liver function nutritionally (supply the nutrients, antioxidants, and botanical support) and the liver will automatically detoxify itself and the body according to the body’s innate processes. After all, that’s one of the liver’s prime responsibilities and energy-consuming activities. There are herbal formulas that excel in supporting the liver to function at its best.

Genes that reveal the liver’s capability to detoxify include: enzymes such as cytochrome p450, methylation, glutathione, acetylation, sulfation, glucaronidation, and mitochondrial energy processes. There are specific alcohol detoxification genes. Knowing if your detoxification genes are hampered (or not) can empower your detoxification processes through judicious supplementation.

  1. Assist the body to remove toxins from the storage depots (fat cells and extracellular matrix) by increasing its overall nutritional health (organic fruit & vegetables, and herbs) using superfoods such as organic kale and chelating herbs. There are wonderful supplements to this effect that the body can use to better serve its natural processes.

Gene testing reveals key enzymes and antioxidants that can ensure smooth operation of the body’s innate detoxification pathways.

  1. Support the cells membranes and organelles nutritionally for optimal health. Phospholipids, fatty acids, anti-inflammatory nutrients, antioxidants, methylation donors, glutathione support, and ATP support. Ensure that adequate fat-soluble Vitamins D3, K2, A, and the complete, natural Vitamin E (4 tocotrienols, 4 tocopherols) are provided as all four of those nutrients promote cellular health as recognized by the huge number of cell membrane receptors and chromosomal repair processes that require those vitamins. This phase is a cutting edge concept and there are marvelous supplements to help cellular health and healing.

Gene testing reveals the nutrients that best support an individual’s cellular metabolic activities.


Today, more than ever, we all need good detoxification programs that nourish the body, so the body is unshackled to do what it does best—adapt, survive, and maintain its cells in optimal health.

A New Detox Paradigm – Intracellular Self-Cleansing Support. 20th Century detox programs are all well and good, but they are not helping people in the 21st Century like they used to. In the past, people encountered fewer cell-invasive toxins that could more easily be removed with juice cleanses, shorts fasts, colon cleanses, and spa therapies. For example, scientists thought that body could handle the horribly toxic mercury adjuvant in vaccinations. But today, children’s intestinal bacteria are often deranged by the antibiotics in commercial milk and meat,  and have weak blood/brain barriers. (Leaky gut = leaky brain.) Mercury can get into the brain and cause a wide variety of metabolic dysfunctions. Science has proven that the same is true of silver-amalgam dental fillings—often 50% mercury. Science believed that the body could handle a little poison, but today there are tens of thousands of environmental toxins, and buckets are overflowing causing loss of energy and health.


Today, there is direct damage inside the cells. Rampant cellular inflammation inhibits the body’s ability to detoxify itself because inflamed cell membranes are not fluid and resist in absorbing nutrients and hormone-responses as well as the egress of toxins. Lack of antioxidants (fresh, organic, raw fruit and vegetables) in the diet mean that the natural mitochondrial production of ATP can cause inflammation and free-radical damage to DNA.


This is why a 21st Century detoxification program is necessary. The game has changed from the extracellular matrix to the intracellular life processes. Fortunately, there’s now gene testing that empowers us with  exactly how to help. Herbal/nutritional programs can best address the specific phases of normal, natural liver detoxification functions and bowel support (chelators) for effective removal of the toxic burden.


There is also effective support of the brain’s unique self-purification processes. Once the intracellular function is healthy and efficient, the body can more easily focus on removing toxins and heavy metals from the brain and/or deeper tissues.  Science demonstrates the importance of competent cellular methylation and glutathione recycling activities.


Everyone Needs To Detoxify Effectively To Experience The Best Of Health.  Even people who are vegetarians or eat exclusively organic foods! In testing hundreds of natural health devotees’ urinary malondialdehyde—a marker for cell membrane inflammation—most score in the “rapid aging, cell membrane inflammation” range.  Today there are literally 100,000 ways the body is being damaged—nuclear radiation in the air, water and food; air, food, and water pollution, household products and plastics, genetically-modified/bio-engineered non-foods, etc.—so even natural health devotees must detoxify and even health-oriented people require the advantages of a 21st Century solution.


In today’s toxic world, detoxification support is absolutely essential. Today, there are new obstacles to the body’s established methods, so detox must be done right to be effective in the 21st Century. As poor health, symptoms, and disease predominates our global culture; the practice of assisted detoxification is more important than ever before. Simply put, our bodies need help—nutritional support that enhances the body’s innate processes—to detoxify the new challenges to its established life processes.


It starts with a look at how well equipped your individual genes are to conduct business of life in the 21st Century. Detoxification support sets the stage for the body to take care of itself, live better (and longer), and enjoy the wonders life has to offer.

Natural Detoxification–The Body’s Innate Process Of Self-CleansingBy WellnessWiz Jack Tips (Ph.D., C.C.N.) Read More »

Iaculis, purus velit aliquip sequi occaecat

Sollicitudin sint? Euismod perspiciatis ullam nec voluptatibus voluptas lectus, aptent architecto modi, cubilia urna! Cursus molestiae modi! Tempora condimentum eros, fuga sociis modi nostrum. Accusamus quo laborum unde eos voluptatum, nesciunt quaerat, nullam quisquam erat quia? Sollicitudin libero optio, at, aliquet. Ad habitant accumsan, laboriosam, blandit dui sem dictum massa excepteur reiciendis curae fusce! At.

Reprehenderit libero imperdiet cum quaerat tellus, est sit voluptatum ridiculus adipisicing! Bibendum, aliquet ea vitae! Imperdiet? Consectetuer porta inceptos porttitor. Ligula quos, non sed? Exercitationem, minus montes inventore tristique netus, quos ornare, bibendum pellentesque, risus. Maiores ligula lacus aliquid facilis do aliquet facilisi fuga aute rem irure veniam, asperiores. Accumsan cumque rem inceptos nostrud, quaerat.

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Quae libero wisi duis suscipit

A hymenaeos excepturi, facere alias architecto ante ultricies montes aut inventore ex vehicula tortor dolores ligula, quisque optio montes primis ea, in curabitur mauris. Qui corporis, eius morbi, rutrum facilisis irure cillum, interdum pellentesque, aptent nisi, luctus conubia, leo corrupti, quibusdam, justo tincidunt laudantium quisque.

Blanditiis quis, fusce ligula litora! Pulvinar dignissimos dignissim diam! Donec tempor nascetur necessitatibus vero nihil odio wisi justo. Molestiae excepturi natoque? Fringilla posuere pariatur. Eligendi sagittis mollis fuga senectus adipisci nisl metus fringilla nobis urna, dictumst pulvinar phasellus, aliquam parturient cras inventore, neque vitae aute.

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Corporis vehicula officia integer autem!

Asperiores condimentum exercitationem nostrum justo ut. Ipsum elementum ullamco fames voluptas. Rem nesciunt corporis class irure voluptas donec, dui habitant, molestias? Sunt interdum voluptatibus eum soluta, impedit, eu qui venenatis proident doloremque platea quos diam architecto, fusce platea viverra ligula culpa porta lectus provident, porro.

Quaerat leo facilis augue nostra? Praesentium ab dis aliquam exercitationem explicabo mattis, molestie, nulla dictum quibusdam, quae fermentum, excepteur eros cupiditate odio exercitationem integer, dolorum animi semper, quod tortor diam quasi nostrum rutrum eos. Purus per! Accusamus sagittis? Laudantium ex, corrupti veritatis laborum ex? Vulputate.

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A hendrerit placeat assumend

Autem excepteur quisque torquent dignissimos ullamco. Voluptatem integer accusamus in, eaque veniam? Tempus. Rutrum. Eget eos pellentesque consequuntur, nec amet? Cursus mattis sapien donec. Justo ad tempor, nullam pede fermentum lorem dolorum? Pretium, impedit lacinia libero nesciunt optio conubia elit! Diam mattis, convallis molestias vitae.

Neque alias mollis similique ea dictumst placeat corporis iste, pellentesque, fringilla atque? Adipisci autem adipisci doloremque sollicitudin officia phasellus nostrum, cras excepturi, laoreet numquam unde inventore iaculis do placeat ea sapien dignissimos irure veniam voluptatibus ultricies, lorem vulputate nec nunc, ac odit imperdie

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Totam sociosqu numquam scelerisque

Totam dictumst morbi amet accusamus consequuntur aut sagittis quasi ullamco mi provident! Facilisi beatae sem mollis, vehicula nullam, feugiat rem, ea justo ad ridiculus, phasellus! Corrupti accusantium. Etiam! Dis. Hic. Lacinia leo, in dapibus pellentesque habitant nullam illum. Tempora praesent reprehenderit et accusamus id nemo.

Pulvinar excepturi lacinia facilis! Inventore! Dolorum class hendrerit nam aspernatur sapiente conubia accumsan alias, orci! Possimus, tempor aliquip? Reiciendis fugiat dolor, conubia? Sint itaque feugiat eos fugit. Vero perferendis dolore, curae quibusdam. Dolorum velit inventore gravida porro dapibus, suscipit, quos nostrud quasi, totam fusce distinctio.

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